Attention Program Chairpersons

Written by Joan Near

It’s a lot easier to get a delicious meal at a Smorgasbord than from the microwave!   And for those of us who try to put together a great year of programs and workshops for our guilds, it would be great to know what other Northern California & Nevada guilds are also planning!

The thing is, we already have the means to share this information at our fingertips: the website. Why not utilize this easy way to share info about our plans? There are so many reasons why we should:

• Your guild could find others interested in sharing costs for that (cue the angels singing) Workshop of Your Guild’s Dreams.

• Your (harried & hard-working) Program person could find fresh new ideas by seeing what other guilds are up to.

• Inter-guild communication could smooth the way when it’s time to plan a CNCH Conference (face it, it’s right around the corner no matter which Area you’re in)

• You’ll gain insight on how other guilds build their agendas (plus, road trips, anyone?)

After a long search, the CNCH Advisory Counsel has hired a new website manager. Now is the perfect time to add this feature to the site. It could be very flexible, accomodating changes in your guild’s plans. All you have to do is send your programs & workshops calendar to Joan Near and she’ll  work to set it up on the website and keep it current. It’s win-win!!

Contact Joan at

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