Welcome to the Midwinter Edition of the CNCHnet Journal


Cathy Koos

Welcome to the mid-winter edition of the CNCHnet Journal and happy St Brigid’s Day!  Whether you celebrate this Irish woman’s life as a Saint or a Goddess (or neither), many in the Gaelic world associate her with healers, poets, smithies, childbirth, and inspiration, as well as home fires and hearth.  Join Gaelic folks in celebrating by gathering reeds or stalks in the increasing sunshine and weaving  Brigid’s cross for your doorway.  https://scoil-bhride.com/how-to-make-a-st-brigids-cross/


Figure 1 Traditional Brigid’s icon, hung over doorways, Wikipedia


Figure 2 Spotted Towhee, National Audubon Society







Mid-winter gives us hope of spring with lengthening days and greening meadows.  Here in Fiddletown, we have quite a few birds that winter on the ranch – a community of western bluebirds, a colony of about 15 gold finches; spotted towhees and robins rummaging in the lawn; an occasional titmouse clinging to the rain chain; and even a young pair of redtail hawks hunting for the ever-present gophers.  Yesterday, I saw a flock of about 30 turkeys heading for the lake next door.

We are a month into the new year, and it may be a time of reflection on how well our New Year’s resolutions are holding up.  Or not.  I choose not.

Here are some interesting snippets:

PBS Craft in America Series  https://www.craftinamerica.org/

Celebrating broad-ranging topics from textiles to the alchemy of metal forging; creative family environments to expressing messages in art; celebrating traditions to exploring nature; from rustic expressions to finely crafted jewelry, PBS has acclaimed American craftspeople since 2007.

Figure 3 Jim Bassler, PBS Craft in America





Textile Research Centre, Leiden, Netherlands

The TRC has a new online exhibit of head-to-toe fashion from the 1920s; woolen kimonos from the 1950s; and announces a new 6 session course on figurative bobbin lace.



The National Nordic Museum, Seattle, Washington

I check this site often for textile exhibits.  Here are some past shows  https://nordicmuseum.org/exhibitions?page=5#past-exhibitions

Figure 5 The Dream of America



Substack is a fairly new subscription-based platform that has attracted a lot of bloggers recently.  Some subscriptions are free and others are fee-based.  Here are some that may interest you:


Ontario Handweavers and Spinners check in from the cold North Country with two virtual weaving groups that run from February to May.  Details here https://ohs.on.ca/

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