Fall 2014



It is something all artists want and need.  But–where does it come from?  Is it genetic? Can you learn how to be a creative thinker?  Does it help to be left handed?  Is there only so much creativity per person and do you use it up–and then–nothing?

This issue of CNCHnet  is looking at creativity from the view point of some of our readers and, well you need to read this issue to see if you approach your creativity like they do or if you have a different way of stimulating your muse.

You will also find out how the creative mind can go from weaving to higher mathematics, how creativity kicked in when another author faced a life threatening diagnosis and how the dump can be a fount of creativity and supplies for an artist.


Also, there is a photo array from the 2014 Fashion Show and a teaser for CNCH2015.

We are slowly collecting the histories of our Guilds and publishing them.  This time it is The Bay Area Basket Makers who are currently celebrating their 30th anniversary.

If your Guild hasn’t contributed, think about making your history one of your projects for the year.

Last but not least, are you a collector of books pertaining to your fiber passion?  What books do you find to be indispensable and why?  To start a dialog on your favorite books in this publication would be instructive and, maybe, spark your creativity.

Read what our Roving Reporter found at the top of her list.


Enough from me!  It’s time to read the August 2014 edition of CNCHnet.

Judy Fisher, Editor

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